Nika Son
a piece of walk
Tuesday, 17th November, 12pm – 12.30pm
Wednesday, 18th November, 3pm – 3.30pm
wander in square waves | from my thought i’m at my shoes and from my step i’m on the ground, the surface of matter | asphalt | a moving bicycle chain spinning sound into my right ear | my notions roam again | i deliberately step aside | gras | a crumpled piece of foil | it resonates | bits of voices carrying information | i know that street | do i? | it used to sound different | treading on some pebble stones, chrunching them | the underground is empty | sleeping | not sleeping | noises appear loader this year | aiming for a rhythm | step by step | getting lost | not marching but walking along lines | more lines | trying to avoid them | a puddle’s echo | my feet shuffle in quad | repeating the same trot | is it a rumble or a murmur behind that pole | trying to unlearn what i hear and see | wind purrs | a crow just shat on me | i remember | traipse is a word i didn’t know | meander
“…thinking is generally thought of as doing nothing in a production-oriented culture, and doing nothing is hard to do. It’s best done by disguising it as doing something, and the something closest to doing nothing is walking.” [Rebecca Solnit in Wanderlust]
Nika Breithaupt alias Nika Son works as a musician, artist, film sound-designer, Dj and curator after graduating in Fine Arts at the Art Academy in Hamburg in 2012. Influenced by Musique Concrète and the outer space of electronic music, her compositions are built from deformed and fragmented fieldrecordings, interweaving with analogue synth lines, broken rhythms, rare voice scraps and filtered tape layers. As a sound artist she became a dedicated hunter of extraordinary sounds and discoveries of new and old technologies in music. Sounds of various origin are translated into a very unusual musical language, as if one watches the audible.
She has played at international festivals such as Intonal, Meakusma, IFFR, Klub Katarakt, Nuits Sonores etc. and released on various labels, such as Mmodemm, First Terrace Records, Sky Walking, Anti-Ghost Moon Ray and her own imprint Noctui. Her debut album was released in March 2020 on the Belgian-British label Entr’acte.
Next to her solo project, she has been collaborating with various artists for many years now, foremost with the filmmaker Helena Wittmann and the musician F#X. Furthermore she hosts regular art and music events at the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg since 2011 with various international guests. In July 2018 she staged a two-day festival called Eruption, freely based on the musician and video artist Conrad Schnitzler and since 2019 she is part of the curator team of the papiripar festival.
As a DJ, her waywardly sound is marked by the outer space of electronic music, spanning from musique concrete, early electronics, synth wave, Industrial, Noise, Kraut and experimental Techno.