Roy Claire Potter & Kieron Piercy
Three Sweep Between
Sunday, 15th November, 12pm – 12.30pm
Monday, 16th November, 3pm – 3.30pm
In making Three Sweep Between, their new commission for Radiophrenia 2020, Roy Claire Potter and Kieron Piercy had meltdowns; it’s not an easy time to make work. They used a terraced house layout to build and inform their interrelated recording and writing process, which brings synthesised and manipulated sounds together with visual descriptions to reimagine a total shithole’s lost potential.
Roy Claire Potter is an interdisciplinary artist mainly making written texts and performances. Kieron Piercy makes audio composition, improvisation and installation. Between them they have audio released by SubRosa, Chocolate Monk, FortEvilFruit, Harbinger Sound and Porta.
They are tired.