Saturday, 21st November
At 11pm tonight:
Duncan Chapman and Supriya Nagarajan with ‘Lullaby: Sonic Cradle’
In the last six years sound artist/composer Duncan Chapman and Carnatic singer Supriya Nagarajan have been developing and touring their Lullabies project. The original impetus came on a trip to India where Suprya noticed that women working in the fields were singing lullabies to their sleeping children while they worked.
“We have toured the project internationally for the last 5 years and it has included a wide variety of collaborating musicians and artists. Many of the performances have been at twilight or late night and audiences have frequently fallen asleep (the intention of the lullaby after all!) during the performance.”
Duncan Chapman : Electronics & Field Recordings
Supriya Nagarajan : Voice
This piece is complied from several performances and features some of their collaborators: Ingebjørg Lognvik Reinhold, Joana Margarida Machado Araújo, Rafael Karlen, Jack McNeil and Neil Valentine